Home | Ghostwriting: Investigating

Ghostwriting: Investigating

Published on: Sep 7, 2010No comments

This is the first in a series of posts about ghostwriting. Keylocke Services offers ghostwriting services for both fiction and non-fiction books.

Getting to Know Each Other

The first step towards launching a ghostwriting project is an investigative phone call. This will help establish the 1.) goal of your writing project, and 2.) the method which your book will be written.

It is also an excellent way to determine how experienced your potential ghostwriter is–as well as giving you a chance to get to know each other.

A non-disclosure agreement is traditionally signed early in the project so there is no fear of ideas being stolen or used with consent. The first questions will likely be discussed with any ghostwriter you are considering.

The initial investigation questions could include:

  • Is your book fiction or non-fiction?
  • Who is the audience?
  • What problem or issue are you addressing?
  • How will the book be printed? Distributed?
  • Are their extras to the book such as illustrations, diagrams, etc.?
  • What research will need to be done before writing? Interviews?
  • Is there an outline available? Will one need to be written?
  • What is the timeline of the book’s delivery?
  • How will revisions be processed? How many revisions are allowed?
  • Are their other factors outside the ghostwriter and the client? (ie. corporate compliance, additional editors, family, friends, etc.)
  • How can the agreement being dissolved by either party?
  • What are the payment terms?

Once many of these questions have been answered, a formal contract is written up and agreed upon. A partial payment is almost always due upfront and a rigorous time schedule is agreed upon. It is important for both parties—client and author—to adhere to these pre-determined timelines.

If you are interested in discussing your ghostwriting project, please email or call me.  We can discuss your details and I can provide a no-obligation quote.

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