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Good writing is crucial in this information age—for your customer’s benefit and for the success of your business. The internet is composed of endless words, phrases and stories. Consumers are looking for answers and information.

However, with all these words at our fingertips, we do not read.

We scan.

We are insatiably information-hungry—and extremely impatient. We expect the copy we read—on a brochure, on a website or in a letter—to be broken up into bite-sized chunks and delivered to us in pre-digested form. Browsability is almost as important as grammar.

Good writing = Competence

As readers, we also equate attractive, well-written copy with competence. Everyone has their grammatical pet peeves—whether it is text speech (which is gr8 4 ur phone but not 4 copy), misspelled words or run on sentences. When a potential client reads your wedding stationery site but sees that you have spelled stationery with an “a” (stationary)—they immediately question your quality.

Improved search engine placement

The best reason to have excellent writing on your website and blog is to help improve your SEO (search engine optimization.) Web spiders DO read. Proper spelling and grammar along with targeted keywords improves your search engine placement.

Whether in print or online, it is worth the time to create valuable content with near-perfect grammar for your customers.

keylocke services

Your customer is looking for someone to to trust.

Luckily, your branding can go a long way toward convincing your customer that you are the authority and expert on your product or service, therefore worthy of trust. But your branding and marketing message only has milliseconds to work before they turn the page or turn the corner.

Advantages of Consistent Branding

Consistent, repetitive use of your logo, tone and verbiage in your marketing efforts can yield in numerous benefits. Your company and brand is recognized on multiple platforms; from print ads in local guides to social media marketing avatars. The more often your logo and marketing message is received, the more recognizable you become.

Your level of perceived professionalism is raised because your marketing appearance is consistent. A simple, compelling marketing message is best communicated through a strong use of visual elements and repetitive communication.

Consistent branding also makes marketing easier. It is far simpler to jump on an impromptu marketing opportunity or to throw together a last minute campaign when your branding message stays consistent.


An excellent logo is the first step to a consistent branding campaign. Life is too short to have a bad logo. Invest the money into a strong, professional logo in order to create a strong first and subsequent impression. This is the face of your company which will be used on every printed piece, on your logo and as an avatar across your social media platforms.


A tagline is often used to help support your logo and your elevator pitch by clarifying further on who you are and why you are the best choice. This can be a tacked on line of text added to your logo or it can be the basis for your current marketing campaigns. It is acceptable to have more than one tagline or change taglines periodically.

By creating a strong, initial basis for your marketing campaigns, you will begin to see an exponential growth in trust. And you will hear¸ “I saw your ads. Everyone has told me you are the best.”

Excerpt from an article appearing in Wedlock Magazine.

    “Nicole is an excellent writer, I asked her to edit a sales page and she did a wonderful job crafting my words into a much better document that is attracting clients. Nicole had a very quick turnaround time and was very professional in dealing with my needs. –Diane Ness”

    “When I first met Nicole, I knew she would be a part of my company's marketing plan to take our business to the next level. She implemented and delivered a product idea, within 3 weeks, which was excellent turnaround. Nicole knows that we need to grow our business and she is working diligently along side our goals, to help us achieve success at the next level of our business. We are utilizing her in a variety of areas including writing, product descriptions, web site optimization, presentation clarity and more. –Barb Warner.”

    “Nicole acts as the marketing department for my business. She has great ideas, knowledge about the market and attention to detail on the projects we have hired her for. She has taken our business to the next level even during this tough economy. –Lori Firsdon”

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